Terms & Conditions
Prices & Payments
Intensive cleaning charges a flat booking fee of $35 including GST for every session or service booked by a client. Additional fees apply for permanent or regular services.
Only the amount of booking fee is determined by Clean Connect, and payable to Clean Connect.
Booking fees are charged on a per session basis unless otherwise stated by Clean Connect.
Booking fee can be subject to change, to be determined by Clean Connect at any time. Clients will be informed of said change before accepting new quotes.
Booking fees are subjected to GST in line with the Goods and Services Tax of Australia.
Any late payment or failure in payment of booking fee may result in cancellation of future sessions. Clients will be informed of cancellation prior to the agreed session.
All late payments beyond the set payment period of 5 days will incur a surcharge of 10% for every day payment is not made to Clean Connect.
Booking fees are payable to Clean Connect's bank account details provided to clients or via website. Clients are liable on any mistake made at payments.
Booking fees are non refundable once paid, unless otherwise specified.
If the client is on a regular weekly or fortnightly service with Clean Connect, clients may pay booking fee monthly. (e.g. 1x weekly service booking fee : $35 X 4 = $140).
If client wishes to pay booking fees monthly, the client must inform Clean Connect at the start of the service month, and pay at the start of each month.
Job payments shall be paid directly to contractors.
Intensive Cleaning is not responsible for any job payments. This responsibility shall be between the client and contractor.
Intensive Cleaning will not accept any job payments, and any jobs payment paid to us shall be refunded to clients. Intensive Cleaning will not act as a liaison for job payment.
Prices of jobs will be predetermined by the contractor. Clients will be given the prices of jobs prior to accepting the job.
Job payments are to be made to contractors right after a job. Clients have a maximum of 3 business days to make payment for jobs before a surcharge of 5% is incurred as a late fee.
Job Safety
Contractor safety
While contractor safety is of immense importance to Intensive Cleaning, Intensive Cleaning is not liable for any injury or accidents that happen during jobs.
Intensive Cleaning has strict instruction guidelines for the safety of contractors, that will be given to contractors, which they are required to follow.
If a contractor deems the job unsafe to do, or if they find themselves in an unsafe working environment, Intensive Cleaning will carefully investigate the issue. If deemed unsafe, the contractor has the right to cancel the job.
Clients cannot request a task to be performed if conditions are not safe. If a task may be deemed unsafe, clients must inform Intensive Cleaning or the contractor prior to the clean, to determine if the job is safe and able to be done. ​
Client safety
To ensure that clients are protected while jobs are being carried out in their property, Intensive Cleaning vigorously screens the contractors.
Contractors must have a valid Working With Children’s Permit and Police Check.
Contractors must not say or do anything that may cause clients to feel unsafe or uncomfortable.
Contractors must not pry or look at client’s personal belongings while servicing their property.
If clients have any rules or prohibited areas, they shall let contractors know prior to the service commencing.
Contractors must not repeat or talk about anything they saw or heard at the client’s property to anyone.
Contractors must not engage in any form of inappropriate behavior or expose clients to such behavior.
Contractors must not bring anyone other than workers that are working the job to job sites.
Although Intensive cleaning vigorously does checks on their contractor, Intensive cleaning will not be liable for any special, indirect or consequential loss or damage or any other issues arising from engagement of clients and contractors.
Client Cancellations
If a client wishes to cancel a service, cancellation must be done at least 1 business day prior to service day. Any cancellations done less than 1 business day prior to service day, fees may incur.
No refunds for booking fees will be entertained for client cancellations. However, clients may change the date of their service to another date that suits their needs, with no booking fee charged for the changed date.
If a client wishes to change the date of their service, they may only do so once. Changing the date after the first time will require additional fees.
Clients may not be able to get the same contractor if they wish to change their service date. Contractors are subject to availability on the amended date. Therefore, job pricing may differ with a different contractor if the initial contractor is not available.
If clients wish to change service date or time from working hours or weekdays to after hours or weekends, extra charges may apply for job pricing.
If Intensive cannot accommodate a client's need for change of date, booking fee will not be refunded.
Cancellations or amendment of service date should be confirmed in writing via text message or email.
If a contractor cancels for any reasons deemed reasonable by Intensive Cleaning, a change of date of service will be arranged. If a contractor cancels with no reason, Intensive Cleaning will connect the client with a new contractor. If Client is not satisfied with the new contractor or amended date, the $35 booking fee shall be refunded.
Contractor Cancellations
If a contractor wishes to cancel on a service, cancellation must be done at least 3 business days prior to service day. Any cancellations done less than 3 business days prior to service day, fees may incur.
If a contractor is not able to carry out services, they are not allowed to subcontract the job to another contractor.
If a contractor is not able to carry out services or wishes to cancel a service, they must first inform Intensive Cleaning with a call, then confirm in writing via text message or email.